IPMS Salisbury Scale Model Show
IPMS Salisbury Scale Model Show – 2023
Club and SIG displays, Traders, Competition, Tombola, Refreshments, Free Parking
Adults £5 Children U16 free
A few words from the show organiser.
Response from Clubs and SIGs to attend our 2023 scale model show is absolutely brilliant this year, and as a result, we are filling up, rather well, and also have a number of new clubs attending this year, so we will easily be back to pre-pandemic levels of attendance this year.
I am still waiting to hear from a few of our regular traders – and will also be delighted to hear back from any new trader that would like to attend.
Any further clubs and SIGs who on reading this, would like to attend, please do contact me, (see links below) and I will forward the relevant information, as if I have confirmed interest from you, I can slot you in should anyone cancel, or if those we are still waiting to hear from do not reply, equally if when I have a site-visit to the school, I am then in a better position to ask about using any further space, because I will know that I could fill it!
Like everything in life at the moment, the cost of hosting a model show has also increased considerably. Consequentlywearenowlimitingfree entryto4 free wristbands per club/sig, and would ask that all other members purchase a wristband in the usual way.(For those who arrive during setup and before the event opens, itwill be£3 -butonce the show has opened itwill be£5via the front door-no exceptions.)
Whilst we are not banning under table sales we are going to ask those clubs and SIGs who have members that wish to bring along items to trade under the table to pay £10 per club for the privilege. (that £10 helps to cover the cost of each table we hire).
Chris M
ConfirmedTraders&Clubshave been added to the website (updated 15th Jan 2023)
For info about our 2023 show and or, if you would like to join us as a Trader or Club then please use the links below:
modelshow@ipmssalisbury.co.uk ( mailto:modelshow@ipmssalisbury.co.uk )or use ourModel Show Enquiry Form.
Wyvern St Edmund’s Sports Hall
Church Road